Rolls & Tooling

SweBend offers a large range of rolls & tooling for all sizes and types of section, plate and forming machines. This includes for example standard tooling sets, rolls for pipes, tubing, flat bar spiraling, aluminum sections, angle bar spiraling and much more.

  • We will assist you with any bending or forming machine
  • New demand? New rolls and tools!

Upgrade your machine

Equip your machine with the rolls & tooling necessary to handle today’s and the future’s demands, both in production rate and precision. We will help you with what parts can be upgraded to make the most impact in your production!

The Crocodile bending machine

The Crocodile bending machine

We are proud to have developed, together with our customer Sturm in Daaden, a special section bending machine.

Angle Bar, Leg-out Spiralling

Angle Bar, Leg-out Spiralling

This angle leg out ring forming machine was built for Haltom Industries in Texas. When finished, each piece will be cut and welded into several rings. In the video below we are spiralling mild steel and stainless steel.

Angle Bar Spiralling / Flange Forming - Section Bending by SweBend